
Welcome to our free and comprehensive resource center, where we provide the latest in ebooks, blogs, and guides to help you master AI, digital marketing, and SEO. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or a seasoned pro aiming to stay ahead, our expertly curated content is designed to elevate your skills and knowledge.

How to Search Website for Keywords

How to Search Website for Keywords [8 Best Ways + Tools]

When it comes to improving your website’s SEO performance, knowing how to search a website for keywords is important. This process allows you to identify the keywords that drive traffic...

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales, especially when you have a Shopify store in Singapore. But creating high-quality,...

A content optimization tool is important for achieving higher ranking on search engines and driving organic traffic. This guide introduces 13 top tools to optimize your content effectively in 2024,...

In 2024, learning how to write a newsletter effectively is important for engaging your audience and driving conversions for your business. Whether you’re promoting a blog post, sharing important business...

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the debate over whether AI-generated content or human-written content is better for SEO and driving more traffic has gained significant attention. As businesses...

Creating effective ChatGPT prompts is important in 2024, as it ensures you receive accurate and valuable responses from this powerful AI tool. Whether you’re new to prompt engineering or looking...

Email marketing remains one of the most effective strategies for e-commerce businesses to engage with customers, boost sales, and foster brand loyalty. According to a report from Statista, the global...

Struggling to craft concise, engaging article summaries? This guide will teach you how to write clear summaries that capture the essence of any article. Learn how to efficiently digest information...

As a content editor at, the Addlly vs Writesonic debate is one that I’m familiar with. In the AI content writing space, these two platforms stand out as industry...

SEO Case Studies


Jan & Elly used our AI writing tools to get their blogs on phonics, PSLE, English, and creative writing to the first page of Google in just one month

HC Group

HC Group used our AI writing tools to get their blogs on car wiper blades and eye protection to the top 10 positions of Google in just one month.

PT Kino Indonesia Tbk

Kino used our AI writing tools to rank as featured snippets on the first page of Google in one day. As a result, they received a 49.8% increase in new users over a period of one month.

Generative AI for SEO [Free eBook Guide 2024]


Generative AI for SEO

In this comprehensive 12-page free eBook, you’ll discover how to use the transformative potential of Generative AI to create high-performing, SEO-optimized content with ease.