How To Write ChatGPT Prompts? 2024 Guide with 81 Examples

How To Write ChatGPT Prompts

✨ Summary

Creating effective ChatGPT prompts is important in 2024, as it ensures you receive accurate and valuable responses from this powerful AI tool. Whether you’re new to prompt engineering or looking to refine your skills, understanding how to write ChatGPT prompts is key.

This guide will walk you through the process, providing 81 examples and tips to help you master the art of writing effective prompts. Let’s explore how to generate prompts that yield more accurate responses and enhance your interactions with AI.

What Are ChatGPT Prompts?

ChatGPT prompts are the instructions or questions you give to the AI to guide its responses. These prompts can be as simple as a single sentence or as complex as a multi-step instruction. The effectiveness of a ChatGPT prompt depends on how clearly and concisely it is written, as well as how well it provides context to the tool using artificial intelligence.

By understanding the nature of ChatGPT prompts, you can craft your own prompts that lead to more accurate and useful responses from the AI.

Why Writing Effective ChatGPT Prompts Matters in 2024

In 2024, the significance of writing effective ChatGPT prompts cannot be overstated. With AI being utilized in various fields, from content creation to customer service, ensuring that your prompts are clear, specific, and well-structured will help you achieve the desired output. As a prompt engineer, creating effective prompts not only saves time but also minimizes the chances of receiving irrelevant responses, enhancing the overall efficiency of AI tools.

By focusing on writing good ChatGPT prompts, you can better leverage the full capabilities of AI, making it a valuable asset for both business and personal use. Whether you’re a prompt engineer or just starting, refining your prompt-writing skills is essential for maximizing the potential of AI technology.

How to Write Good ChatGPT Prompts (Tips from Addlly’s Experts)

1. Clarity and Specificity

When writing prompts, clarity and specificity are paramount. A clear prompt eliminates ambiguity, leading to a more accurate response.

For example, instead of asking, “What are some marketing tips?”, you could specify, “Provide 5 digital marketing tips for small businesses which are looking to increase brand awareness.”

2. Specify the format and length

Specifying the format and length of the response in your prompt is essential for getting the desired output. Whether you need a short paragraph, a list, or a detailed article, including these instructions in your prompt helps guide the AI.

For example, you could say, “Write a 100-word summary of the advantages of AI in content marketing,” to ensure the response meets your needs.

In the above prompt, by clearly defining the word count and format, the AI is made to deliver content that is both relevant and tailored as per your requirements, ensuring the output aligns perfectly with your expectations.

3. Include relevant context

Providing context is important when crafting ChatGPT prompts. The more information you give, the better the AI can tailor its response. Provide context as it helps the AI understand the background of your request, which can lead to more relevant and insightful responses.

For example, if you’re asking for marketing strategies, you might include details about your target audience, industry, and goals to get a more tailored response.

4. Desired Output

Clearly stating the desired output in your prompt helps guide the AI in delivering the exact information you need. Whether you’re seeking a list, a paragraph, or a detailed analysis, including these specifications in your prompt ensures the AI provides content in the correct format and meets your expectations.

For example, you might use the following prompt: “Provide a 200-word analysis of the benefits of remote work, highlighting productivity and work-life balance,” to obtain the desired responses.

5. Multi-step Prompts

Multi-step prompts can be incredibly useful when you need the AI to generate ideas as well as content for the chosen idea in 1 go. By breaking down the task into smaller components, you guide the AI through a structured process, ensuring the final output is comprehensive and detailed.

For example, “First, list the key benefits of AI in marketing. Then, write a SEO friendly short paragraph explaining each benefit in detail using a formal writing style,” provides clear and sequential instructions that help the AI do creative writing and produce a well-organized response.

6. Dealing with Ambiguity

To avoid ambiguous responses, it’s important to use specific prompts and be as detailed as possible in your instructions. If there’s potential for confusion, make sure to clarify your specific instructions to guide the AI effectively. For example, when asking for content ideas, specify the type of content, the target audience, and any other relevant details to ensure the response aligns with your needs.

For example, “Generate 5 blog post ideas for a travel website targeting solo female travellers, focusing on safety tips and destination guides.”

7. Give ChatGPT a role to play

Assigning a specific role to ChatGPT in your prompt can significantly improve the quality of the response and you can get better answer. Whether you want the AI model to act as a marketer, teacher, or developer, defining its role helps guide the tone, spark creativity, and you get quality output.

For example, “As a social media expert, create a content plan for increasing engagement on Instagram,” gives clear direction to the AI.

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation

  1. Write a blog post outline on the topic of [insert topic], focusing on the key points that should be covered to engage readers and provide value.
  2. Generate 10 blog post ideas for a [specific industry or niche], aimed at addressing the common pain points of [target audience].
  3. Create a compelling introduction for a blog post titled ‘[Insert Blog Title],’ ensuring it grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the article.
  4. Create a content calendar for a month’s worth of social media posts, including topics, posting schedule, and content format (e.g., text, image, video).
  5. Write a product description for [product name], focusing on its unique features and benefits that appeal to [target audience].
  6. Develop a content strategy for launching a new [product/service] on [platform], including key messaging, content types, and distribution channels.
  7. Write a list of 5 key takeaways for a blog post about [insert topic], ensuring that each takeaway is actionable and provides value to the reader.
  8. Write a conclusion for an in-depth article on [insert topic], summarizing the main points and providing a strong call-to-action.
  9. Develop a whitepaper outline on [specific topic], including sections for introduction, research findings, case studies, and recommendations.
  10. Generate a list of potential interview questions for a podcast episode on [insert topic], aimed at eliciting insightful responses from the guest.

Also read: Best ChatGPT Copywriting Prompts

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

  1. Generate a list of high-traffic, low-competition keywords for an article or blog about [insert topic], focusing on long-tail keywords that target [specific audience].
  2. Write a meta description for a webpage on [insert topic], ensuring it is SEO-optimized, between 150 to 160 characters, and includes a strong call-to-action.
  3. Create an on-page SEO checklist for optimizing an informative blog about [insert topic], covering title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and keyword usage.
  4. Generate a list of potential backlink opportunities for a website focused on [insert niche or industry], prioritizing high-authority domains.
  5. Write an SEO-friendly title for an article on [insert topic], ensuring it includes the primary keyword and is under 60 characters.
  6. Develop a content strategy for improving the organic search rankings of a website in [insert industry], focusing on content gaps, keyword opportunities, and link building.
  7. Create a list of internal linking opportunities for a series of blog posts on [insert topic], prioritizing pages with high authority. Here is my website’s Sitemap.xml [URL].
  8. Write an SEO audit report template for analyzing a website’s performance, covering key areas like site speed, mobile usability, and content quality.
  9. Generate a set of alt text descriptions for images on a webpage about [insert topic], ensuring each description is keyword-rich and under 125 characters.
  10. Create a technical SEO checklist for a new website launch, covering essential tasks like XML sitemap creation, robots.txt configuration, and SSL certificate installation.
  11. Write a comprehensive guide on how to optimize a landing page for SEO, focusing on keyword placement, user experience, and conversion rate optimization.
  12. Generate a list of blog ideas that are optimized for seasonal trends in [insert industry], including relevant keywords and content angles.
  13. Write a short SEO-optimized paragraph for a product page on [insert product], focusing on the main benefits and including the primary keyword.
  14. Create an SEO strategy for improving a website’s local search rankings, including tasks like Google My Business optimization, local citations, and reviews management.
  15. Write an SEO-friendly headline and introduction for an article about [insert topic], ensuring it is engaging, includes the target keyword, and is under 70 characters.
  16. Generate a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for [product/service], including clear, concise answers to help customers quickly find the information they need.

ChatGPT Prompts for Marketers

  1. Create a LinkedIn post under 150 words that highlights the key benefits of [product/service] for [target audience], using a professional and engaging tone.
  2. Write persuasive ad copy for a Google Ads campaign targeting [specific keyword], focusing on the unique selling points of [product/service].
  3. Craft an email campaign for [product/service] launch, including a series of three emails that build anticipation, introduce the product, and encourage conversions.
  4. Generate 5 creative ideas for a social media marketing campaign that aims to increase brand awareness for [brand], targeting [specific audience].
  5. Write a script for a 30-second YouTube ad promoting [product/service], ensuring it captures attention quickly and includes a clear call-to-action.
  6. Develop a content strategy for a month-long social media campaign for [product/service], including key messages, content formats, and posting schedules.
  7. Create a landing page copy for a limited-time discount on [product/service], focusing on urgency, benefits, and conversion-driven elements.
  8. Write 10 different CTA (Call to Action) messages for an email campaign aimed at converting leads into customers for [product/service].
  9. Generate 5 unique blog ideas that align with [brand’s] marketing goals and target audience, focusing on topics that drive engagement and traffic.
  10. Craft a persuasive elevator pitch for [product/service], focusing on its key benefits and the problem it solves for [specific audience].
  11. Write a press release announcing the launch of [product/service], ensuring it highlights the product’s features, benefits, and the impact it will have on the industry.

ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketing

  1. Generate 5 Instagram post ideas for [product/service], each designed to increase engagement and showcase the product’s unique features.
  2. Create a month-long content calendar for [brand] on Facebook, including post ideas, themes for each week, and suggested times for posting.
  3. Write a series of Twitter posts that build anticipation for the launch of [product/service], using a mix of teaser images, countdowns, and hashtags.
  4. Develop a social media strategy for promoting a limited-time offer on [product/service], including platform selection, key messages, and ad formats.
  5. Generate 10 Instagram Story ideas for [brand], each designed to drive interaction through polls, quizzes, and user-generated content.
  6. Write a LinkedIn article that highlights the impact of [social media platform] on [industry], providing insights and actionable tips for businesses.
  7. Generate 5 creative captions for Instagram posts promoting [product/service], each designed to encourage users to tag friends and share the post.
  8. Develop a strategy for increasing engagement on a brand’s LinkedIn page, focusing on content types, posting frequency, and audience interaction.
  9. Write a series of Pinterest descriptions for a collection of [product/service], each optimized for search and designed to attract clicks and saves.
  10. Create a YouTube video script that introduces [product/service] to new customers, highlighting its key features and benefits in a 60-second video.
  11. Generate a list of 5 social media contest ideas that encourage user participation and promote [product/service], including entry requirements and prizes.
  12. Write a content plan for a TikTok campaign promoting [product/service], including video concepts, hashtags, and influencer collaboration ideas.
  13. Create a strategy for using Instagram Reels to boost brand awareness for [brand], focusing on content themes, frequency, and audience engagement.

ChatGPT Prompts for Google Ads

  1. Write a Google Ads headline for [product/service] targeting [specific audience], ensuring it is under 30 characters and includes a strong call-to-action.
  2. Generate a list of negative keywords for a Google Ads campaign targeting [specific keyword], ensuring that the ad only appears for relevant searches.
  3. Write a Google Ads description for [product/service], including the main features and benefits, and ensure it is under 90 characters.
  4. Create a call-to-action for a Google Ads campaign that promotes a limited-time offer on [product/service], using urgency and scarcity to drive clicks.
  5. Develop a keyword strategy for a Google Ads campaign focused on [industry], identifying both short-tail and long-tail keywords that maximize reach and relevance.
  6. Write three ad variations for a Google Ads campaign targeting mobile users, focusing on brevity, clarity, and action-oriented language.
  7. Create a Google Ads headline and description for an ad promoting a seasonal sale on [product/service], ensuring it highlights the limited-time nature of the offer.
  8. Develop a Google Ads strategy for increasing brand awareness for [brand], including suggested keywords, ad copy, and audience targeting options.
  9. Write a responsive search ad for [product/service], including multiple headlines and descriptions that can dynamically adjust to match user searches.
  10. Create a Google Ads campaign structure for a multi-product brand, ensuring each ad group targets a specific product category with relevant keywords and ad copy.
  11. Write ad copy for a Google Ads campaign targeting local customers, emphasizing proximity, convenience, and any special offers available.

ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

  1. Write a template response for handling common customer inquiries about [product/service], ensuring the tone is friendly and informative.
  2. Write a follow-up email template to send to customers after resolving their support ticket, thanking them for their patience and asking for feedback.
  3. Generate a list of best practices for handling customer complaints about [specific issue], ensuring that the approach is empathetic and solution-oriented.
  4. Create a script for live chat support agents to use when assisting customers with [specific task], ensuring the conversation is efficient and helpful.
  5. Write a template for responding to negative reviews on [platform], focusing on addressing the customer’s concerns, offering a resolution, and maintaining a positive brand image.
  6. Develop a customer service training module on [specific topic], including key learning objectives, scenarios, and role-playing exercises.
  7. Generate a list of proactive customer service strategies for [brand], focusing on anticipating customer needs and reducing support requests.
  8. Write a customer service email template for handling refund requests, ensuring it is polite, clear, and explains the refund process step-by-step.
  9. Write a template for responding to customer inquiries about shipping delays, providing an explanation and offering solutions like tracking updates or discounts.
  10. Generate a set of guidelines for maintaining a positive tone in customer service communications, even when dealing with frustrated or upset customers.
  11. Create a customer feedback survey template for [brand], designed to gather insights on the customer service experience and identify areas for improvement.
  12. Write a thank-you email template for customers who provided feedback on their experience with [brand], acknowledging their input and explaining how it will be used.

ChatGPT Prompts for Coding and Development

  1. Generate a Python script that [specific task], ensuring it is optimized for efficiency and includes comments explaining each step.
  2. Write a JavaScript function that [specific functionality], including error handling and edge case considerations.
  3. Create a SQL query to [specific task], ensuring it joins multiple tables and filters the results based on [specific criteria].
  4. Generate a step-by-step guide for setting up a [specific development environment] for [specific programming language or framework], including necessary installations and configurations.
  5. Write a unit test in [specific language] to verify the functionality of [specific code/module], ensuring it covers all key scenarios.
  6. Develop a REST API endpoint in [specific language or framework] that performs [specific task], including input validation and appropriate HTTP status codes.
  7. Create a Git workflow for a team of developers working on [specific project], including branching strategies, commit guidelines, and merge protocols.
  8. Write a function in [specific programming language] that [solves a specific problem], ensuring the solution is both efficient and easy to understand.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing ChatGPT Prompts

1. Vague Language

One of the most common mistakes when writing prompts for ChatGPT is using vague language. Vague prompts lead to unclear or irrelevant responses. To avoid this, be specific and detailed in your instructions.

For example, instead of saying, “Write something about AI,” you could say, “Write a 100-word summary about the benefits of AI in healthcare.”

2. Overly Complex Prompts

Another mistake is crafting overly complex prompts that confuse the AI. Long, intricate sentences with multiple instructions can lead to unclear responses. It’s better to break down complex tasks into simpler, more manageable prompts.

For example, instead of asking, “Explain the importance of AI in business, healthcare, and education in a single paragraph,” consider creating separate prompts for each sector. This approach ensures that each response is clear and focused.

3. Lack of Context

Failing to provide enough context in your prompts is another pitfall to avoid. Context helps the AI to generate responses that are relevant and tailored to your needs. When you remove important details, the AI may produce generic or off-topic responses. To provide effective context, write prompts which includes information such as the target audience, the specific application of AI, and any desired outcomes.

For example, “Describe how AI can be used in marketing strategies for small businesses” is more effective than a vague prompt like “Describe AI in marketing.”

Want To Grow Your Marketing Efforts Without Using ChatGPT? Try

If you’re looking to grow your marketing efforts without relying solely on ChatGPT, consider using is an AI-powered marketing tool designed to enhance your marketing efforts and strategies effectively. We offer a range of tools tailored to meet the diverse needs of marketers, including AI Writer, AI Blog Writer, AI Newsletter Generator, Social Media Post Generator, and many more.

With, you can streamline your marketing efforts, ensuring that your strategies are not only creative but also data-driven and targeted to your specific audience. Whether you’re a small business owner or a seasoned marketer, provides the tools you need to succeed in today’s competitive market.

Final Words

Writing good ChatGPT prompts is an essential skill in 2024, as it can significantly impact the quality of the AI-generated content you receive. By following the tips and examples provided in this guide, you can master the art of writing prompts and make the most out of ChatGPT.

Remember to keep your prompts clear, concise, and context-rich to ensure accurate and relevant responses. Whether you’re using ChatGPT for content creation, marketing, or customer service, these strategies will help you achieve better results and enhance your overall AI experience.


How to prompt ChatGPT to be an expert?

To prompt ChatGPT to act as an expert, assign it a specific role in your prompt. For example, you can say, “As an SEO expert, provide strategies to improve website ranking.” This helps the AI generate responses that align with the expertise you need.

How to get ChatGPT to write well?

To get ChatGPT to write well, provide clear instructions, context, and specific guidelines in your prompt. Additionally, you can use follow-up prompts to refine the content until it meets your expectations.

  • Deng Xiang

    As an SEO Marketing Specialist at, my expertise lies in optimizing online visibility through strategic keyword integration and engaging content creation. My approach is holistic, blending advanced SEO techniques with compelling storytelling to enhance brand presence. A true SEO nerd at heart, you'll often find me frequenting the latest SEO blogs, devouring industry insights and soaking up the latest news.

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