AI-Generated Content: The Pros and Cons (2024)

Pros and Cons of AI-Generated Content

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Should Your Business Use AI Content Generation in 2024?
Yes, AI-generated content can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to create content quickly and at a lower cost. However, it’s important to balance the benefits with the potential drawbacks. Human involvement and oversight are still necessary to ensure accuracy, creativity, and relevance in content creation. AI can be used as a supplement to enhance content output and improve SEO, with oversight from human writers.

As the demand for fresh and interesting content keeps growing, AI tools offer an exciting solution. They promise to make things faster, cheaper, and better for SEO. But like any new technology, AI-generated content has its own challenges and problems.

In this article, we’ll look at the good and bad sides of AI-generated content, exploring how it affects the digital world. We’ll also give useful tips for businesses trying to figure out this exciting but tricky area. Keep reading to learn more and decide if AI-generated content is worth it or not.

What is AI-Generated Content?

An infographic explaining what is Gen AI generated content

AI-generated content refers to written material produced by artificial intelligence systems, primarily using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies. The concept has its roots dating back to the 1950s when early language models were developed.

However, it wasn’t until the 2010s that AI writing capabilities significantly advanced thanks to the rise of large language models like GPT-3 trained on vast datasets from the internet. In 2020, the AI company Anthropic released an AI model called Claude that could generate long-form content like articles and stories.

Major tech companies like Google, Meta, and Anthropic have continued pouring resources into refining AI language models. This has led to AI writing tools like Addlly AI and Jasper AI hitting the market, allowing businesses and individuals to generate marketing copy, emails, essays and more via AI.

While still an emerging field with limitations, AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent and sophisticated each year. The technology promises increased productivity but has also raised concerns around originality and potential misuse.

Pros of AI-Generated Content

Pros of AI Generated Content

AI-generated content offers numerous advantages that are revolutionizing the digital landscape. As businesses and content creators seek to keep pace with the ever-growing demand for fresh, engaging, and optimized content, AI-powered tools emerge as a game-changer. From enhanced efficiency to improved SEO, the benefits of AI-generated content are far-reaching and transformative.

Better SEO

 AI-generated content excels in SEO-related capabilities. It pulls from existing popular and SEO-optimized content to address specific topics. This feature is especially valuable if you’re unfamiliar with writing about specific keywords or structuring your pages for search engine optimization.

Quick Turnaround

AI provides almost immediate results for speedy content creation, regardless of whether the subject is simple or complicated. Unlike human writers, who might take hours to produce quality blog posts or marketing materials, an average AI tool can generate similar content in under a minute.


AI can create content at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time writer or freelancer. While human authors are paid hundreds for articles requiring expertise, AI subscriptions usually cost less than $100 for an annual subscription. For small businesses or startups, AI-generated content provides an affordable starting point for content creation.

Highly Scalable

AI tools allow you to request a large volume of content without any cap on the number of requests per day. This scalability helps marketers fill their content backlog, improve content marketing plans, or maintain a consistent social media content calendar.

Overcoming Writer’s Block

When you’re stuck or experiencing writer’s block, AI-generated content can provide fresh ideas and inspiration. It’s a useful resource to kickstart your creative process.

Cons of AI-Generated Content

Drawbacks or Cons of AI Generated Content

While AI-generated content offers numerous benefits, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks and limitations of this technology. As businesses increasingly adopt AI-powered content creation tools, it is crucial to understand the challenges and risks associated with AI-generated content. This section explores the key disadvantages of AI-generated content and their implications for businesses and content creators.

Lack of Creativity

While AI can enhance creativity, it also has its limitations. AI-generated content may lack the unique voice and personal touch that human writers bring to the table. This lack of creativity can result in generic and uninspiring content that fails to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Quality Concerns

The quality of AI-generated content can vary significantly depending on the tool and the input data. Some AI tools may produce content that is repetitive, lacks coherence, or fails to address the topic comprehensively. Ensuring high-quality content often requires human intervention and editing.

Ethical Considerations

AI-generated content raises ethical concerns, particularly regarding transparency and authenticity. Readers may feel deceived if they discover that the content they are consuming was created by a machine. Businesses must strike a balance between leveraging AI and maintaining transparency with their audience.

Potential for Plagiarism

AI tools generate content by analyzing existing data, which raises the risk of unintentional plagiarism. Ensuring that AI-generated content is original and free from copyright issues is crucial. Businesses must use plagiarism detection tools and implement strict guidelines to mitigate this risk.

How Addlly AI Generates Human-Like Content

AI content generator Addlly AI

Advanced Natural Language Processing

Addlly AI leverages advanced natural language processing (NLP) SEO techniques to generate content that closely mimics human writing. By understanding context, tone, and nuances, Addlly tools can produce content that feels authentic and engaging. This human-like quality sets Addlly AI apart from other AI tools.

SEO Optimization

One of the key selling points of Addlly AI is its SEO optimization capabilities. Addlly AI pulls from already popular and SEO-optimized content to address your desired topic. This ensures that the content is not only high-quality but also optimized for search engines. By incorporating relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and internal links, Addlly AI helps improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Real-Time Insights

Addlly AI provides real-time links and keyword insights to enhance content creation. By analyzing current trends, audience preferences, and competitor strategies, Addlly AI can generate content that is timely and relevant. This data-driven approach ensures that your content resonates with your target audience and stays ahead of the competition.

Personalization and Customization

Addlly AI allows for personalization and customization, enabling businesses to tailor content to their specific needs. Whether you need content for a particular industry, audience segment, or specific brand tone for a particular market segment, Addlly AI can adapt to your requirements. This flexibility ensures that the content aligns with your brand’s voice and objectives.

AI-generated content offers numerous advantages, including efficiency, cost-effectiveness, consistency, enhanced creativity, and scalability. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, such as lack of creativity, quality concerns, ethical considerations, potential for plagiarism, and dependence on data. 

Tools like Addlly AI address many of these challenges by leveraging advanced NLP techniques, SEO optimization, real-time data insights, and personalization. By using Addlly AI, businesses can create human-like content that ranks higher on search engines and resonates with their audience.

As AI technology continues to evolve, the potential for AI-generated content will only grow. Businesses that embrace this technology and use it strategically will be well-positioned to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape. Whether you’re a small business looking to save time and resources or a large enterprise aiming to scale your content efforts, AI-generated content is worth considering.


What are the benefits of using AI-generated content?

AI-generated content saves time and money, produces large amounts of content quickly, and can be customized to fit a specific format or tone of voice.

What are the drawbacks of using AI-generated content?

AI-generated content may lack authenticity and creativity, be prone to errors, struggle with complex topics, and have a risk of plagiarism.

Is AI-generated content suitable for all types of content?

No, AI-generated content may struggle with complex or nuanced topics and may not be able to provide in-depth analysis or to grasp the subtleties of human emotions and experiences.

How can businesses ensure the accuracy and creativity of AI-generated content?

It is crucial to balance the advantages and disadvantages and ensure that human involvement is present in the content creation process.

What are the risks of using AI-generated content?

There is a risk that AI-generated content may be used to spread false information or propaganda and that the software may pull information from other sources without proper citation, leading to legal issues and damage to your brand’s reputation.

  • Tina Chopra

    I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Addlly AI. With over 13 years of experience in content creation, strategy, and management, I am passionate about helping businesses connect with their audiences and achieve their goals through engaging and impactful content. Before launching Addlly AI in 2023, I co-founded Script Consultants, a content marketing agency that worked with leading brands. I also have experience as a content strategist and former business journalist. I hold certifications in content marketing, sustainability, and business, and have a degree in sustainability studies. I'm committed to building a sustainable and ethical content marketing company that leverages AI.

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